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Taiwan has implemented the National Health Insurance (NHI) since 1995. The NHI is not only the policy that has generated the highest public satisfaction, but it has also been recognized by international communities. Nevertheless, wasted medical resources are one of the factors that have increased medical costs since the NHI was implemented. Therefore, NHI education should be valued to promote sustainable NHI operation. Owing to people’s lack of health insurance knowledge and overuse of medical resources, the Ministry of Education added the issue “National Health Insurance” to the Health Promoting School in 2013, hoping students can cherish our medical recourses.

According to the research, NHI textbooks place more emphasis on medical safety and health consumption, and these textbooks derive well-documented and extensive evidence from various topics and capability indices but fail to value NHI resources or promote the cherish concept to friends and family. The shortage of the facets of “affective domain” and “life skills” should be addressed to implement the goal of NHI education. NHI education should be integrated with the current themes and capability indices to intensify the use of relevant medical curricula. Moreover, the teaching ability of instructors should be increased to incorporate the NHI into elementary and junior high school education.

We have already completed the development of education objectives, teaching content, teaching plans and evaluation questionnaires. In each year our research team also organize teacher training and build a (https://www.facebook.com/nhiproject) platform to empower teachers' teaching strategies of NHI education. We will continue to promote the topic of "cherish medical resources", including promoting family physician , cherishing emergency resources, and establishing doctor-patient relationship in the future.