2022/12/08 Oral Care
Implementation plan of 2022 Excellent School on Oral Care Promotion Contest
2022 Excellent School on Oral Care Promotion Contest

: K-12 Education Administration, MOE
Case Handling Unit: Kaoshung Medical University, Department of Oral Hygiene

B. Project Aim
To encourage elementary schools and junior high schools promoting oral care, and developing school-centered features in oral care promotion.

C. Qualificaiton
Elementary schools and junior high schools in promoting vision care work.

After the county education bureaus finish the first review, they should submit a recommendation list of excellent schools for the second review. Quota as follows:
[Elementary schools]
1. For counties and cities that have more than 10 schools holding more than 40 classes each,  at least one school should be recommended.
2.  For counties and cities that have less than 40 classes in one school, at least one school should be recommended; no more than two school should be recommended.

[Junior high schools]
1. Active participation is encouraged.

F. Evaluation and Selection
1. There are the first review, second review, and final selection in this phrase.
2. The first review will be held by county education bureaus under the regulation of this project.
3. The second review: experts from the Ministry of Education and oral care-related scholars will form a review committee, which will examinate the papers and USB files sent from schools. 10~12 schools will pass the second review.
4. Final selection: members from the review committee will do a on-site visit to each school. If there is any special situation, online visit may be conducted. In final selection, there will be 3 schools receiving High Distinction Award, 3~4 High Excellence Award, 3~4 Excellence Honor. The total of awarded school will not exceed 10. The rest of schools will be listed as selected.

G. Rewards
  • Excellence Honor: 3~4 schools. Each receives one $5,000NTD worth of prize.
  • Excellence Award: 3~4 schools. Each receives one $8,000NTD worth of prize.
  • High Distinction Award: 3 schools. Each receives one $10,000NTD worth of prize.
  • Selected Schools: Each receives one certificate.
  • If the participating schools fail to meet the selection criteria, the places for each award will be vacant.