2021/05/27 Tobacco Control
Winner announcement of 2020 "You are the KOL!" Tobacco Control Short Film Contest

Announced by K-12 Education Administration, MoE, the list of winners of 2020 "You are the KOL!" Tobacco Control Short Film Contest is as following:

Elementary School Group:
Adward County/City School Film Name
High Distinction Adward Pingtung County Potzu Elementary School 廢菸道—鬼滅之人
Excellent Honor Adward Taichung City Wenchan Elementary School 想戒你--以愛為名戒菸為你
Honroable Mention Adward Hualien County Mingli Elementary School MNEGaya-聽祖靈的話

Junior High School Group:
Adward County/City School Film Name
High Distinction Adward New Taipei City Fuin Junior High School 新癮害 OUT!
High Distinction Adward New Taipei City Jisuei Junior High School 阿積小穗—【新菸殃蝴蝶夢】
Excellent Honor Adward Tainan City Annan Junior High School 健康診聊室:菸害二三事
Honroable Mention Adward Miaoli County Zhunan Junior High School 阿里阿多的冒險行動
Honroable Mention Adward Pingtung County Hengchun Junior High School 拒菸檳 強健心 失菸控檳我最行
Honroable Mention Adward Yilan County Kuohua Junior High School 檳菸(淹)海世界
Honroable Mention Adward Kaoshiung City Linyaub Senior High School(Junior High Section) 振是要對決
Honroable Mention Adward Kaoshiung City Linyaub Senior High School(Junior High Section) 破解神奇的電子煙戒菸法
Honroable Mention Adward Tainan City Zhongshan Junior High School 大話吸油記
Honroable Mention Adward Tainan City Annan Junior High School 「壓琴說新聞2021」--想戒你!
Honroable Mention Adward New Taipei City Tucheng Junior High School 拒絕菸檳,聽Kawas的話就對了!
Honroable Mention Adward Taitung County University of Taitung (Junior High Section) 滅菸之刃
Honroable Mention Adward New Taipei City Sanchong Senior High School(Junior High Section) 理科姊妹說檳榔

Senior High School: 
Adward County/City School Film Name
Honroable Mention Adward New Taipei City New Taipei Industrial Vocational High School 菸滅之刃
Honroable Mention Adward Pingtung County Lushing Senior High School 吞雲吐霧 嚼檳吐渣

Winner List of 2020 Campus Tobacco and Betel Nut Control Results Report
Adward County/City School Report Name
High Distinction Adward New Taipei City Sanchong Senior High School 無菸三重
High Distinction Adward Changhua County Xizhou Elementary School 溪州life喜揚羊~我們是反菸拒檳的小羊
High Distinction Adward New Taipei City Jisuei Senior High School 拒菸隨我行 健康你最行
Excellent Honor Adward New Taipei City Haishan Senior High School 帶得走的能力─擁有反菸拒檳健康素養
Excellent Honor Adward Taipei City Shuangyuan Senior High School Quit smoking, Running for help,
Code. 打卡@無菸校園,標記#我拒菸檳我驕傲
Excellent Honor Adward Tainan City Xigang Junior High School 109學年度菸檳危害防制教育執行成果

Congratulaitons to all winners!
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